Texture Background

Outstanding + personalized
candidate experiences

Using Business Draft, Planet Fitness achieved a 300% increase in candidate engagement.* Try for free →
Business Draft has built-in automated workflows to streamline your hiring process

Easy, Frictionless Applications. We move beyond outdated forms with modern, mobile-optimized job postings that simplify the application experience.

Mobile-optimized job posting from Business Draft
Example modern application form for Business Draft

All in one place. No need to string together multiple tools - we include everything, giving candidates a consistent experience.

Candidate recording an answer to a video interview question

Candidate recording an answer to a video interview question.

Transparency at every step. We ensure candidates receive transparent, fast communication automatically.

Business Draft ensures transparency via in-platform application tracking, & outbound messages via email and sms.

2-way, omni-channel messaging. Candidates can engage via sms and email, which is routed back in-platform.

Candidate recording an answer to a video interview question

More Hiring Features

Business Draft is the all-in-one hiring platform.

Business Draft has built-in automated workflows to streamline your hiring process
Automated Workflows

Streamline your hiring process with automated workflows that save time and reduce manual tasks.

Explore Automated Workflows
Business Draft candidates can self-schedule their interviews
Business Draft interviews are held in-platform with real-time reactions and scoring.

Conduct meaningful interviews with tools that help you make informed and fair decisions.

Explore Interviews

Ready to impress your candidates?

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